Sulzer 20-24 Cylinder Head
xiamen union spares ltd. is a Chinese professional marine&locomotive diesel engines parts factory.We produce SULZER 20-24 cylinder cover,cylinder cover gasket,is a master cylinder covered under warranty,cylinder cover definition etc.Phone:86-0592-514
SULZER 20-24 cylinder cover
Sulzer developed a series of rail traction engines in the 1930s and 1940s which were used extensively in diesel locomotives in the UK, Europe and South America. A small number were used in locomotives in Africa and Australia.
Repairing a cracked cylinder head always involves a certain amount of risk, but when done properly is usually much less expensive than replacing a cracked head with a new or used casting. Most small cracks in cast iron as well as aluminum heads can be repaired by pinning.
The most common cause of cylinder head cracking is overheating. The rapid heating of the engine causes the head to expand and then contract as the engine cools. This puts a large amount of stress on the cylinder head, leading to cracks.
As a long-established manufacturer of marine and train engine parts in China, we provide parts for big-brand diesel engines like SULZER, such as SULZER 20-24 cylinder cover, which saves you the trouble of maintenance. The products we provide are price-wise Advantages, quality is not discounted, welcome to contact us.